Sunday 7 October 2012

The Strangers

How does editing inform the audience of the generics conventions of the film and enhance the tension within the scene with the use of sound?


The non-diegetic sound is heard when the stranger is about to knock on the door for the second time. The slow speed of the music fits in well to create suspense in the scene and mystery to the film. Creating this slow track to overlay the scene will make the audience feel uncomfortable and on edge. Making the audience feel like this is conventional to the thriller genre as it creates a scene that will put the audience on edge. Doing this to the audience is what the thriller genre wants this is so that the audience feel the way the characters are feeling and will want to watch more and find out the mystery of the film.

The diegetic sound from the smoke alarm and the fire is used to create other dangers to the film, this will bring a high suspense to the scene as the fire starts roaring in the middle of the knocks on the door. This creates a high suspense as it sets two tasks for the audience to take note of and acknowledge.

The fast editing pace in scene three of "The Strangers" informs the audience that something very soon will be the to scare them. Fast editing is a great thriller convention as it quickly builds up the tension of the film/scene. This puts the audience on the edge, creating this tension is conventional to the thriller genre as you want to keep the audience emotionally connected with the film and the characters.


  1. Alfie this is not completed but was due a month ago...this is not good enough!
    You have some good understanding here of how editing has been used to create tension, hence, adhering to the conventions. Media specific language used in paragraph one that shows your understanding of how the editing has been manipulated to fit the genre. However, you must now apply that same level of detail to the rest of this analysis.
    Mention the length of the shots just before she opens the door, this is crucial in building a sense of anticipation. You mention the fire alarm sound but it's also just as important to mention the lack of sound, the silence is crucial to the tension; especially within the thriller genre.

    Go back over this and add extra notes.
